Now we have quotes from this lovely man. Sit back and enjoy!!! If you want to use any of them, just ask me by E-Mailing me. Thanks!!!
"Is this how a star falls?" *Jupiter Crash* The Cure

This is stuff I've read in magazines, heard on TV, or read off the internet. To leave your own quote, please sign the guestbook, located on the front page.

And Now to the Quotes...

"I can always tell when I'm at one. I feel like a Backstreet Boy!" - Paige on all ages shows. *thanx to Lisa for that one*

"We call it the fish tank."

"We do this on tour..." (bowling)

"Ooh cran-vodka?"

"We went to this gentleman's club in Reno. Ryan thought he was throwing one-dollar bills onstage, but they were actually hundreds."

"Smack an ass."

"Jay's definitely the best-connected one of us. He runs his mouth a lot, and he's always around everybody at all times, so he meets a lot of people."

"People get scared when they party with us."

"Sometimes it's faster if we're running late [referring to prep time which is one hour]."

"People are people, man. If they're into us, we’re into them."

"It's kind of like death pop."

"There's not many sports where you can sit there & eat a big ol' burger, drink a whole bunch of beer & still do a good game."

"[After Bobby only hit a few pins]Yeah Bobby! You rule, dude! That was so dope!"

"[After he only hit a few pins] I'll pick it up next time."

"If you mess with things too much, you lose the creative spark that made it initially right."

"[On TRL when Carson asked if he knew who's song that lyric belongs to] He's looking like trash?"

"People say we're the band born with the silver spoon in it's mouth, but we've all been working our asses off for a long time."

"I think it was water bottle day at the stadium."

"[David Alan Grier- Hey, you know what Paige, if I killed myself tonight, my parents could blame it all on you and your music.] Wouldn't that be awesome?"

"To tell you the truth, the message board is very deceiving. People can say whatever they want whenever they want. Ultimately, it doesn't matter. We're not affected by gossip."

"Bowling's kinda like a flowing thing, ya' know? If you ain't got the flow, it's not going to happen."

If you have any quotes that I can use, please send them to me at Thanks!!!!
